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February 2020


Passive vs. Active Investing: Keeping Your Costs Low

How can you avoid excessive investment management fees and limit your transaction costs? By focusing on what you can control. Learn about the differences between active and passive investing philosophies
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Back to Basics: A Financial Plan

This is an interesting one, no? I mean, here you are on a website called Financial Planning Fort Collins, and you are going to read about what a financial plan
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Choose Your Own Contribution with Higher Retirement Plan Limits

Did you know that HSA and 401(k) contribution limits increased for 2020? Learn what’s new and use the infographic to see how you can make the most of your retirement
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Modern Financial Planning

Modern Financial Planning for the Win

Hoping to stack up money wins on the way to your comfortable future? A modern financial planning approach could be the tool you need. With your financial playbook in hand
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