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December 2020

post-traumatic growth

Post-Traumatic Growth: Our Year in Review

To close out what has been a difficult year for many, we share personal stories of gratitude as 2020 comes to an end. Join us as we look forward to
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Reflecting on 2020: 5 Financial Industry Impacts

As we get closer to the end of 2020, we reflect on a most unusual year. Learn about five financial impacts that affected us and the industry this year.
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Why a Financial Plan Should Make Your 2021 Resolution List 

What’s on your list of New Year’s resolutions? If you’d like to improve your financial life in 2021, a financial plan could be your most useful tool. Learn why a
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Happier Spending

Happier Spending: Enjoy Your Money Guilt-Free

You work hard for your money. Give yourself plenty of opportunities to have fun with it! Learn how you can make spending more enjoyable — and grab our Happier Spending Worksheet
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In the Mood for Giving

My evidence may be anecdotal, but I like to think of Fort Collins as a philanthropic city. Sharing a home with a major university and several very worthy nonprofit organizations,
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