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Align Your Money with Your Values

Align Your Money With Your Values: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Do you put your money where your mouth is? Learn how you can create S.M.A.R.T. goals to help you position your money in a way that reflects both your current
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Uh-Oh Fund

Your Uh-Oh Fund: Are You Proactive or Reactive?

How much should you keep in your emergency fund? Learn the purpose of an uh-oh fund, what it can cover — and how you can set yours up. Plus, our table
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dollar-cost averaging

Fire Drill: Investing with Dollar-Cost Averaging

When should you invest? Instead of putting so much pressure on when to invest, put a set dollar amount into your investment account on a set schedule and let dollar-cost
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Save money

Trick Yourself to Save Money

How can you make saving money easier? Trick yourself into it! We break it down into simple steps you can use to automagically increase your savings — and make reaching your
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Investing with Optimism

2020 has been a volatile year for the stock market. Volatile means sharp moves downward as well as sharp moves upward. We've seen historic swings in both directions, and these
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Plan Your Finances with the CARES Act

The U.S. government passed a $2 trillion bill, the CARES Act, to lessen the economic impacts of COVID-19 by distributing funds to individuals, small businesses, and more. Learn what the
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Passive vs. Active Investing: Keeping Your Costs Low

How can you avoid excessive investment management fees and limit your transaction costs? By focusing on what you can control. Learn about the differences between active and passive investing philosophies
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