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Regina Neenan

Beyond the Basics Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

Beyond the [Employee Benefits] Basics: Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

Is an FSA one of your employee benefits options? Get the details on medical FSAs and dependent care FSAs — and how much to contribute.
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Sabbatical Prep: [Financial] Planning for Your Extended Vacation

Are you ready to take a month or longer away from work? Get ready for your sabbatical with these thought-provoking questions!
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Beyond the Basics: Quoting and Comparing Home and Auto Insurance

Are you getting the best possible price on your property and casualty insurance? And are your homeowners and auto coverage levels right for you? Here's how to right-size your current
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Conscious Consumption

The Secrets Behind Conscious Consumption — and Unconscious Saving

How can changing one seemingly insignificant aspect of your life make a meaningful difference? And what is "mindful spending"? Learn how you can practice conscious consumption it and how it
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health insurance

Announcing Our Latest Webinar, and It’s All About Health Insurance!

Health is wealth and knowledge is power! Are you about to make a job, life, or family change? Have health insurance questions or just want to make sure you're on
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How You Can Handle Increasing Inflation

Inflation. Whether you've seen it in the grocery store, at the gas pump, or elsewhere, it's been getting tougher to miss. Learn what The Federal Reserve is doing to combat
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2021 Spending Review and New Year Budget ‘Reset’

2021 has almost come to an end — but it’s not over yet. For many, now is the time to set resolutions and get a fresh start in the New
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The ‘Golden’ Key to Financial Independence

What's the "golden" key to financial independence? What "future you" will do, of course! Complete with references to TV show The Golden Girls, learn how to envision and plan for
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Join Us for Our Webinar, and Step Up Your Cybersecurity Savvy!

Looking to better protect your information online? Join us for our November cybersecurity webinar, presented by Hazel Heckers, the award-winning victim assistance coordinator with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. She'll
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