Are you better off buying a home or renting your residence? Check out this helpful tool as part of your decision-making. Plus, learn about important homebuying considerations, how much home you can afford, what your down payment should be, and whether it makes financial sense to buy or continue renting.
How and why do parents spend such large amounts — sometimes more than the cost of a college education — on kids' activities? Jason shares his own story about this intentional part of his family’s financial plan.
In addition to romantic reasons, some couples also consider marriage for its financial benefits. Explore financial planning for couples, including the costs of getting married as well as its financial and tax perks.
Explore strategies for avoiding last-minute shopping while making the most of your holiday spending in 2023 — and even saving a bit while you're at it. Plus, find practical tips for budget-conscious shopping through planning, accountability, and more to avoid seasonal overspending.
Navigating the complexities of estate planning? Don't forget the crucial step of discussing intergenerational wealth transfer with your parents. Review our 5-step guide to making the process smoother for everyone involved. Secure your family's financial future today.
What's the best way to give money to kids? We combined our "Giving Money to Kids" series into one all-inclusive piece so you can weigh your options. From 529 Plans and Coverdells to UGMAs and UTMAs, IRAs, and Minors trusts, you'll find it all right here.
What could you accomplish by living on one income? With some mindful budgeting and other lifestyle changes, childfree couples can live on one salary. If you were able to save half of your household income, how would you utilize the extra money? Explore ideas on how DINKs can optimize and save one of their household's incomes to achieve their goals.
Are you a DINKWAD? Find out — and learn about five financial aspects that make being childfree with pets unique. Plus, get insights and ideas on managing the financial considerations of including pets in your childfree lifestyle.