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Equity Compensation

NSO, ISO, RSU, ESPP, and ESOP: Making Sense of Equity Compensation Alphabet Soup

Does your equity compensation package seem more like alphabet soup than an employee benefit? Learn what the acronyms in your equity comp package mean — and the basics of what this
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Free Preview: Our Full ‘Sudden Money and Windfalls’ Module

A sum of money suddenly landed in your lap. What do you do with it? Get complimentary access to our "Sudden Money and Windfalls" e-learning module, of course! In the
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Cash Surplus

Cash Surplus? 3 Things to Do With Extra Money

Have extra cash building up in your checking or savings account, but not sure what to do with it? After making sure it's truly surplus money, here's how you can
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savings creep

5 Reasons Why You’re Going to Love Savings Creep

Who doesn’t love having a little extra savings stashed away? Sure, it can increase a little too much from time to time. But what about when it sneaks up on
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I Just Received a Promotion … Now What?

Whether hard-earned or unexpected, promotions can bring with them many changes. From an increased salary and better benefits to a loftier title and additional responsibilities, are you ready to navigate
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I Just Received an Inheritance … Now What?

You just received an inheritance. What steps should you take next? With the right approach to processing and planning, then putting your plan into action, you can create not only
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My Company Just Had Its IPO. Now What?

Your employer just had an Initial Public Offering (IPO). While you’ve worked there, you and your co-workers have been rewarded with stock and/or stock options, and you knew that there
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I Just Received a $#!+ Ton of Money … Now What?

From buying the home or car of your dreams to never working a single day ever again, what would you do if you received a large sum of money? Whether
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