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Better Understand Income Taxes

Better Understand Income Taxes

How are income taxes calculated? And where do adjustments, deductions, and credits factor in? Learn some basic U.S. tax history, get details about tax incentives, and see how the basic tax formula works.
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Decrease Your Homeownership Costs

Even with the overwhelming nature of moving into a new home, there are plenty of opportunities to make your life easier — and save some money — as a homeowner.
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How the Tax Deadline Change Could Affect You

With the deadline to file and pay 2020 taxes extended to May 17, 2021, for federal filers as well as taxpayers in Colorado and California, here's what you need to know about the change and how it could impact you. Learn the details of what's changing, what isn't — and why you shouldn't wait to file even though you've got more time this year.
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Income Taxes

Income Taxes: To DIY This Year or Work With A Preparer?

Will you be preparing your own income taxes this year, or are you planning to call in a tax pro? If you're on the fence, read on to see if you fall into the DIY camp or if working with an expert might be best for your situation this time around. Plus, get tips for finding a tax preparer, including some of the credentials you may want to look for.
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In the Mood for Giving

My evidence may be anecdotal, but I like to think of Fort Collins as a philanthropic city. Sharing a home with a major university and several very worthy nonprofit organizations, it seems many Fort Collins residents open their hearts and their wallets to great causes. As the year is coming to a close and the holidays fast approaching, now is as good a time as any to talk about charitable giving.
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I Just Received an Inheritance … Now What?

You just received an inheritance. What steps should you take next? With the right approach to processing and planning, then putting your plan into action, you can create not only an inheritance plan — but also a strategy that allows you to continue a legacy of giving.
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My Company Just Had Its IPO. Now What?

Your employer just had an Initial Public Offering (IPO). While you’ve worked there, you and your co-workers have been rewarded with stock and/or stock options, and you knew that there might be a big payday with an IPO. Now it’s happened — and you’ve got some big decisions to make. 
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tax deadline

Tax Deadline Postponed: What You Should Know

How could the new tax deadline of July 15, 2020, impact you? Learn what’s changing at the federal and state levels, how you can make the most of the postponement, and how to stay up to date.
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Tax Planning

Back to Basics: Tax Planning

Happy Independence Day! While tax season may seem like a distant memory for those haven’t filed extensions, July can be a great time to check in on your tax situation and begin planning for the rest of 2019. Learn about the history of taxes in the U.S. and go back to basics the benefits on short- and long-term tax planning.
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