Check Out FPFoCos New Logo!

Check Out FPFoCos New Logo!

A big thanks to those of you who were able to join us for our client party at The Lyric Cinema earlier today! We sure had a great time, and we hope you did, too. From chatting with you to sharing food and drinks as well as sending you home with tee shirts, drawstring backpacks, metal pint glasses, sunglasses, cookies, and stickers with our new logos, it was an absolute pleasure to host you.

And if you haven’t seen our new look yet, drumroll, please …

We’re so proud to introduce our brand-new logo! Yes, we know that you saw it above, but don’t stop scrolling here! We’ve got a couple of alternate logos below that you might not have seen yet.

Updated Branding

We didn’t just change our logo. We’re updating everything about the looks of FPFoCo — starting with what you call us! That’s right: Our former full legal name of Fort Collins Tax Service, LLC, is changing to Financial Planning Fort Collins, LLC — and we’re going by FPFoCo now! It’s short for our full name, Financial Planning Fort Collins, LLC. Find it familiar? It’s the same as our email domain has always been:! And just how do you pronounce “FPFoCo”? It’s a bit different than spelling out each letter, like F.P.F.o.C.o. In fact, it’s ef-pē-fōh-kōe — or ɛf-piː-fəʊ-kəʊ if you prefer the phonetic spelling.

We also have a new website in the works, which is coming soon. The best part? It’ll have a fresh client portal made just for you — and with future FPFoCo clients in mind. It’ll be your one-stop shop for everything you need to access as part of your client relationship. It’s where you’ll be able to schedule your next meeting, log into the FPFoCo Client Dashboard, access your RightCapital, or sign directly into your custodian’s site, whether your investments are with Fidelity, Charles Schwab, or Betterment.

We’re also excited that our podcast will finally have a home on our website. Haven’t heard it yet? You can check out Money & Taxes from Bb to XYZ online or in your favorite podcast app. It’s where Jason and Regina break down a single financial topic and explore how it relates to those across generations, from baby boomers to generations X, Y, and Z. And yes, it has new cover art coming soon to reflect our new look.

Maybe it’ll include our circular icon!

And since FPFoCo started as a personal finance blog, we’re going to continue to share original articles (like this one) with you on a regular basis when we move to our new site.

The Same FPFoCo You Know

One thing that’s not changing with our new look: How we serve you. While our brand will look different on the outside, we’re still the same FPFoCo at heart. You can continue to expect the quality services that you know from the team you trust. We’re still Your Full-Time Fiduciary®, after all!

Remember how we said Fort Collins Tax Service, LLC, is changing to Financial Planning Fort Collins, LLC? Well we’re not changing anything about any of our services — and that includes tax preparation and planning. While the name is changing, we’ll continue to provide full-service tax prep and planning for our Comprehensive Services clients.

You might even notice something that our new logo has in common with the classic logo at the upper left-hand corner of this page. Think you’ve spotted it? Reach out to us at with your idea of what it is. If you’re among the first five folks to get it right, we’ll get you a full set of our brand-new SWAG items.

Timeline for Change

In the coming weeks, we’ll begin to make small and then increasingly larger changes to things like our apps, email signature, and website. For a while, you’ll see some of the old and new look as we make this transition. It’s our goal to be completely into the new logo and branding by the end of this Summer.

Weren’t able to make the party or joined us but forgot to grab your SWAG bag on the way out? Don’t make it to our office often or don’t have anything on the schedule in the near future? Please let us know. If you’re a current FPFoCo client, we’ll be happy to hold onto a set of FPFoCo goodies for you for you or send you the full suite of SWAG. It’ll be like an FPFoCo “care package” — and we might even include a legacy SWAG item with our classic logo!

First time visiting us in person or first time ever? Don’t be shy! Just mention that you read this blog, and we’ll get you the good(ie)s.

Thank you for helping us celebrate our new look here at FPFoCo!

Not a client yet? See if our ensemble approach is right for you.

Head to our Comprehensive Services page to learn more about what we do for our clients.

Financial Planning Fort Collins

FPFoCo is Your Full-Time Fiduciary®. We offer financial planning, investment management, and income tax preparation in one comprehensive service package. As an ensemble, we excel at guiding successful singles, couples, and families who want professional assistance with their finances. With over 30 years of combined experience, our CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ pros have the expertise to serve you.

Critical Money Tips
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Critical Money Tips
Need some tips to help you tackle your next critical money moment? Stay in the loop with our weekly(ish) email!

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Critical Money Tips
Need some tips to help you tackle your next critical money moment? Stay in the loop with our weekly(ish) email!

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Critical Money Tips
Do you have a cash surplus? Learn more what to do with extra money in the free-preview of our Teachable course: Sudden Money and Windfalls.

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Critical Money Tips
Are you here because of a big change in your finances? Subscribe for our PDF on 6 questions to learn the benefits of working with a full-time fiduciary.

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Inheriting Money Can Be Overwhelming.
We have the expertise to be your guide as you navigate receiving a windfall.
Equity Compensation Can Be Confusing.
Let us make it less complicated for you. Whether it’s a one-time award or ongoing compensation, we know how to help.
Critical Money Tips
Need some tips to help you tackle your next critical money moment? Stay in the loop with our weekly(ish) email!

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Unless there is truly unique or extraordinary complexity associated with a client’s situation and financial circumstances, our ongoing fee will be based on the market value of the assets under management (AUM) for investment management services, subject to a minimum fee of $1,875 per quarter. The fee is blended and calculated using the following schedule. We do not require a minimum investment of any amount.
Assets Under Management Annual Fee
$0 - $1,000,000 0.75%
$1,000,000 - $5,000,000 0.50%
$5,000,000 and above 0.25%
Accumulators: Building Your Nest Egg
Our process helps those saving for their future with the following:
  • Cash-Flow Planning:
  • Estate Planning:
  • Insurance Planning:
  • Investment Planning:
  • Tax Prep & Planning:
  • Optimize your spending and savings.
  • Protect yourself and your loved ones.
  • Safeguard your earnings and assets.
  • Grow your wealth.
  • Get savvy with your strategy.
Ready to take the next step?
Retirees: Living Off of Your Nest Egg
Our process helps those nearing or in retirement with the following:
  • Cash-Flow Planning:
  • Estate Planning:
  • Insurance Planning:
  • Investment Planning:
  • Tax Prep & Planning:
  • Maintain your comfortable lifestyle.
  • Align your legacy with your intentions.
  • Protect your nest egg.
  • Don’t outlive your assets.
  • Never overpay the IRS.
Ready to take the next step?