Your hard-earned money funds your lifestyle and those goals — and you may also find some waste or less-than-ideal use of your funds. How do you know which is which? Your cash-flow plan can tell you!
And we don’t just preach, “You should budget and manage your cash flow.” We’re bringing in an expert to show you how!
So, if you’re ready to commit to a cash-flow plan or improve your budget, we’ve got the perfect webinar for you. Next week, budgeting and cash-flow expert Nick True will be hosting Better Budgeting: Create a Cash-Flow Plan You’ll Stick To — and you’re invited!
Better Budgeting: Create a Cash-Flow Plan You’ll Stick To
Join us next week for our webinar — and invite a friend or two! Guests are welcome, so please feel free to share this invitation with those you know who want to improve their budgeting habits and cash flow plans.
Time: 11 a.m. (mtn)
Date: Thursday, Nov. 19
Location: via Zoom
Webinar Details
If you want to be more intentional about your spending, this webinar is for you. No matter your budgeting style or strategy — or where you’re at in your budgeting journey — we’re confident you will find this webinar valuable.
Budgeting is at the core of a strong financial plan, and you probably already know that we’re big fans. If you can’t wait to get started, you can check out Jason’s Financial Favorites: The Budget, Simplified. There, you can also grab a copy of our Budget Plan Worksheet, which you can begin to fill out in advance or in the webinar. And don’t forget: If you’ve completed your cash-flow planning meeting with us, we likely have your personalized Budget Plan Worksheet on file! Simply send us an email requesting yours, and we’ll send it your way.
During the one-hour webinar, Nick will guide you on how to make your D.R.E.A.M. budget (more on this in a moment!). He’s an expert with the budgeting app YNAB, so, if you use this tool, you’ll have the chance to learn some YNAB-specific tips, too. Plus, we’ll leave some time at the end for Q&A so you can ask your most pressing cash-flow questions.
We’re also offering you one-on-one time with our expert presenter! Simply register for the webinar and, if you’re a Comprehensive Services client, you’ll have the chance to schedule. We’ll reach out after the webinar with an invitation for you to find a time for your 15-minute budget coaching session with Nick. Here, Nick can guide you as you tailor your budget to suit your needs and provide answers to specific questions you didn’t get the chance to ask during the webinar.
Can’t make the webinar — but still want to take advantage of a one-on-one meeting with Nick? Go ahead and register anyway! In addition to your ability to schedule a personalized session with Nick, we’ll also send you a recording of the webinar so you can watch at your convenience.
Get to Know Our Presenter, Nick True
Nick True is the owner of Mapped Out Money, his website where he writes and speaks about personal finance, budgeting, and Slow-FI. After traveling full-time with his wife, Hanna, and four pets in a 27-foot Airstream for three years, Nick and Hanna recently purchased their new home.
Nick is passionate about teaching people to enjoy their money now while also saving and investing for the future. He aims to help you better understand finance and manage your money so you can get on with living your unique adventure.
To help you better map out that adventure, Nick developed the D.R.E.A.M. method of budget creation. He’ll walk you through his process during the webinar, and here’s a sneak peek:
D — Determine a starting point.
R — Refine your vision.
E — Establish your plan.
A — Actualize your dream.
M — Make it a habit.
If you want to learn more about Nick and what he does, head to his website, Mapped Out Money, or meet him in person during the webinar!
Don’t Forget to Register!
We look forward to seeing you virtually at 11 a.m., Thursday, Nov. 19. Don’t forget: If you can’t make the webinar, we encourage you to register anyway, and we’ll send you a recording of the full webinar.
Keep an eye on your inbox for more of your client benefits — semi-annual webinars like this one, quarterly tax guidance, and more — throughout the year!