After more than a year of quarantining, masking, social distancing, as well as extra-frequent hand washing, surface cleaning, and more, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now says, “If you are fully vaccinated, you can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic.” 

Although the pandemic rages on in many areas of the world, people in others are beginning to enter post-pandemic life. And while vaccinated people are starting to resume pre-covid activities, it can be a challenge for some — myself included — to adjust to the new normal after experiencing 14 or so months of pandemic life. 

One part of this adjustment you don’t have to navigate on your own? Your finances! 

Many financial aspects of our lives are changing. This means that you may have some pent-up desire to spend money on experiences — and other things you haven’t done for a year. But we’re here to help take some of the weight off of your shoulders. 

Learn about some of the areas where we’re ready and willing to lend a hand with your post-pandemic adjustment.

Balancing Spending and Saving Post-Pandemic

Here in Fort Collins, bars and restaurants are opening back up at or near full capacity. Along with recently relaxed restrictions come opportunities to go to events and get together with friends and family again. 

And after a year of staying at home more often than not, post-pandemic life also brings added expenses. While yours are likely to increase if you’ll be spending differently on dining out and other experiences, we can help you keep your spending and savings in check and your finances on track with your budget plan worksheet. (Send us a quick email if you’d like the link to your very own!) 

If you’d like a hand preparing to balance your own saving and spending, I’d like to personally invite you to schedule a miscellaneous consultation with me to set up or review your budget plan worksheet. We can use your blue “current” side to note what you’d been doing during the pandemic and your green “proposed” expenses side to show the changes you’d like to make as we head into this next phase.

Now may also be the perfect time to start tracking your changing spending and saving habits using You Need A Budget (YNAB). And don’t forget that we’ll reimburse your subscription. Just send us your receipt!

Your Planning Goals: Vacation, Anyone?

Have you been holding off on vacationing throughout the pandemic? If you’re now adding travel back to your schedule, we can help with that, too!

Whether your next vacation is something you were doing annually pre-covid, or if you were planning something big that you missed out on last year, let’s make sure it’s on the radar. And if it’s something new, let’s see what it will take to make it happen! 

Grab a time for a quick web or in-person meeting with your financial planner, and spend 30 minutes reviewing the inputs in your financial plan. Or set aside a full hour consultation via Zoom or in person for a more in-depth review. Jason or Dan can go over your goal cards with you and see what levers to pull and dials to turn so you can make your 2021 travel goal — or goals — happen. 

We can even add tasks to the list in your financial planning app so you get timely reminders and help hold you accountable so you can enjoy using your money, too! 

Come See Us!

We recently opened our redesigned office back up for in-person meetings. We’re at the same location, but the interior of our main office has had a facelift with a reimagined seating area for your meetings. 

You’re invited to stop by to say hello and see the new setup or book an in-office meeting and get comfortable during our next get-together. It would be great to see you in person! We’re all fully vaccinated, and neither we nor you are required to wear a mask during your visit — which means you can even enjoy a coffee or water during your meetings again! As Jason mentioned in a recent email, “We respectfully request that you follow the guidance that applies to you when you visit.” 

(If you don’t live in the area and would like to see our fresh office layout, you can click here to see a picture of the new setup.)

A lot has changed in the last year. One thing that hasn’t changed? Our dedication to being Your Full-Time Fiduciary. Let us take on some of the heavy lifting on the financial side while you enjoy the transition into post-pandemic life!

Not a client yet? See if our ensemble approach is right for you.

Head to our services page to learn more about what we do for our clients.