Schwab and TD Ameritrade Merger Update: after more than three years, the TD Ameritrade and Charles Schwab merger is officially complete! There have been account number changes, new logins to create, adjusted processes, and updates to forms. On behalf of Financial Planning Fort Collins, I would like to say THANK YOU to you, our clients, for your patience.

With that being said, I would like to highlight some of the new Charles Schwab features, share some “should know” information, and provide direct links for resources available to you.

New Features

• Your Schwab Alliance login will combine all advisor-managed, retail, and retirement plan accounts associated with your social security number on their platform. Note: As your advisor, we will still only have access to the accounts we manage for you.

• E-Authorization and DocuSign are built into Schwab’s platform, allowing clients to approve transactions and sign forms via their Schwab Alliance login. You can view these notifications under your message center. Also, notification emails will be sent to the email address on file titled “Your independent investment advisor <>, when such documents are needed.

You can choose to update your address, email, phone number, trusted contacts, shared view-only account access, and beneficiaries under your Profile -> Contact Information with Schwab Alliance.

TD Ameritrade to Schwab: “Should Know” information

• For paperless statements and confirmations, you must establish your Schwab Alliance credentials within 90 days of the conversion. Otherwise, you’ll revert back to receiving statements via USPS snail mail.

• Any money movement instructions previously set up directly with TD Ameritrade have been transferred over automatically. However, If you set up any direct deposits or recurring payments from other third parties — like Social Security or payroll deposit— to your TD Ameritrade account, you will need to update the routing and account number to your new Schwab information. Any funds that your old TD Ameritrade account receives will automatically sweep over to Charles Schwab for the first 90 days.

• You will receive statements from both TD Ameritrade and Schwab for the third quarter of 2023 and possibly the fourth quarter, too, if there were any residual transactions.

• Tax forms for both TD Ameritrade and Charles Schwab will be available on Schwab Alliance or mailed to your address of record, depending on your selected preference for 2023.

• If you have other accounts with Charles Schwab that weren’t part of the transition, your statements may have different formats. By the end of the year, this should be consistent across all accounts.


“Knowledge is power,” and I want to make sure you have as much information as possible available to you. We want to make sure we’ve answered all of your questions. If you wish to do some of your own research, I have included a list of helpful links.

Schwab Alliance login — Online access to your accounts with Charles Schwab.

Client Information HUB — Speaks about issues directly related to clients like you who have transitioned to Schwab from TD Ameritrade

Client Learning Center — Explains some of the new processes you might see going forward in your relationship with Charles Schwab.

Schwab’s Mobile app is available for download from Google Play or the Apple App Store if you want quick access to your accounts from your mobile phone.

Please know that Financial Planning Fort Collins is here to be your biggest resource of all. We’re ready to help with any financial situations that come your way. I am looking forward to exploring all the tools and solutions Charles Schwab has to offer. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns at .

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