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Personal Financial Planning Podcast: Money & Taxes from Bb to XYZ

From taxes and investing to insurance, cash flow, and more, we break down a single money topic, then explain how it could affect those across generations, from baby boomers to those in generations X, Y, and Z, in each podcast episode.

Personal Financial Planning Podcast: Money & Taxes from Bb to XYZ

From taxes and investing to insurance, cash flow, and more, we break down a single money topic, then explain how it could affect those across generations, from baby boomers to those in generations X, Y, and Z, in each podcast episode.

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The Latest Podcasts

Strengthen Your Budget: Get Flexible!

Tariffs and tariff threats and retaliatory tariffs oh my! Jason Speciner, CFP®, EA, and Regina Neenan, CFP®, share how you can adjust your budget for regular inflation, tariffs, and anything

Sticking to the Plan

Market volatility or economic concerns getting to you? Stick to the plan! Jason Speciner, CFP®, EA, talks with Regina Neenan, CFP®, about how he builds investment portfolios that are designed

Change of Plan!

Ready to refresh your financial plan? Jason Speciner, CFP®, EA, and Regina Neenan, CFP®, share instances when it makes sense to do just that. From starting your independent financial life

Savings and De-Paws-It 🐾

Christin Hutchcraft has a new furry family member! Jason Speciner, CFP®, EA, and Regina Neenan, CFP®,  hear Christin’s story of teaching her son financial responsibility as he planned and worked

Are ‘Windfalls’ Ahead for Government Retirees?

With President Biden having eliminated the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) via the Social Security Fairness Act, some government retirees will soon receive higher Social Security

It’s Been a Year!

The New Year is almost here! On today’s episode, we’re all in! Join the full team as Jason Speciner, CFP®, EA, Regina Neenan, CFP®, Riley Thoubboron, CFP®, and Christin Hutchcraft

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